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Fondly called as the Oxford of the East and the cultural capital of Maharashtra, Pune as a city has grown manifolds over the past few decades.
 | LANGUAGE: The regional language out here is Marathi.Unlike many other Indian regional languages, Marathi is easy to understand, posing not too many problems to the tourist. |
Much can be attributed to the similarity it holds with the national language Hindi.
TRAFFIC: The traffic out here does get congested and it is best to travel either via two-wheelers or auto rickshaws in the interiors. The amount of two-wheelers and women drivers here is probably one of the highest in the country.
 | SAFETY: As is with the most of the cites, the intra-city areas are very safe even during the night. Venturing alone or into unknown areas near the ghats or on the outskirts are not advisable. |
Though Pune does not report of very serious crime rates, petty thefts etc. are to be watched out for. Do not stop to give lifts or to ask directions during night times in isolated areas. |
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